Friday, August 30, 2013

Copy of 5th Grade Disclosure

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5th Grade’s Disclosure
Butler Elementary

We look forward to working with you and your child. We hope the information in this disclosure is helpful to you and your 5th grader.

         Reading Street – Reading/Language Arts Program. Vocabulary and spelling words will come home the 1st day of the week. The tests will be on the last day of week. The spelling words focus on word patterns, not memorization. We will supplement with novels, and the students will complete a book report at the end of every 5 weeks.
         Envision Math – We will be using the EnVision math series. The text has been adopted by Canyons School District and will be used by all grades. There will be math homework regularly, as well as assignments online. Please review math facts with your child on a regular basis. A firm grasp of multiplication facts is crucial in order to learn new concepts.
         Social Studies – We study U.S. History. Traditional, 5th grade, Butler activities, such as Colonial Days, Presidential Wax Museum, and State Reports are scheduled.
         Science – We study matter, electricity, magnets, earth’s forces, and heredity. We will conduct experiments and create projects to reinforce these topics. There will be a test at the end of each unit, as well. Your child will rotate to another 5th grade teacher in 5-6 week blocks to learn another unit in science, as well as, to prepare them for changing teachers in middle school.
         Extra-Curricular – P.E., Art, Computers, Biz Town, and D.A.R.E., Presidential Fitness Program are a few extra-curricular activities planned.

Classroom Rules and Procedures:
         We support the rules presented in the Butler Elementary Handbook. Also, in our classroom, we have discussed behaviors that are respectful and responsible.
         Rewards – As a 5th grade, we will be using the “Check Yourself” incentive program (see attached description of program). There are also other individual, classroom rewards.
         Consequences - As a 5th grade, we will use “Think Time,” or students may lose a privilege as a consequence for misbehavior.

There will be 5 items for homework, each night:
1.    Spelling words
2.    Vocabulary words
3.    Read for 20 minutes
4.    Any math assignment that your student didn’t complete during class time.
5.    A “Project in Progress” This could be studying for a Science test, working on a book report, preparing for State Report, etc. You will be given the information and a due date for these projects, as they arise.

State guidelines suggest 5th graders should have an average of 50 minutes of homework per night. If your child is doing more than this, contact me. They may have simply procrastinated, or there may be a real concern we need to address.

Attendance and Absent Work:
         Students are responsible for collecting and completing all makeup work after an absence. They will be given a week, after they return, to complete all absent work. Attendance is important. Many classroom experiences, activities, experiments and learning can simply not be duplicated in makeup work. We do understand there are times when students must be absent. Notes or phone calls help the office document correctly the reason for absence. Vacation forms can be obtained through the office. Vacation leave absences will not be excused until all absent work is made up.

         Student Planners – The planner is an essential tool for the student. Your student should write their daily homework in their planner. We will check planners periodically and reward students for using their planner.
         Teacher Blog/Weekly Note – Each teacher has set up a class blog or website. In addition, we will be sending home a “Weekly News” note to keep parents informed. It will go home the beginning of each week.
          Getting in contact with us - We check email each day. You may also call, write a note in the planner, or schedule an appointment. We will get back to you within 24 hours.
         Above all, if you have a question or concern, please contact us. We love working with your children.  Your child will bring so much joy and learning into our lives.  We are a team working for the success of your child.

Thank you,
         Mrs. Cope
         Mrs. Bauman
         Mrs. Hammer

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